Social Media is a BIG deal right now in our culture. It’s an even bigger deal for high school coaches and administrators who have to deal with the results of the typed word on the world wide web on a daily basis. Most teenagers simply do not understand that their words on the internet are permanent and meaningful.
My oldest son is 6 years old. He has this new thing where he says “I’m just kidding.” Says something hurtful to his sister “I’m just kidding.” Says something disrespectful to his mother, then tries to back out with “I’m just kidding.” We are trying to teach him that the “just kidding” card does not take away what he just said. It’s our duty as coaches and athletic administrators to teach our student-athletes that they can’t play the “just kidding” card after their tweet or post goes out for the world to see.
I sat down and wrote a Social Media policy that I think can work for just about any school, high school or college, around.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
An Eight Laces (C) Publication
1. Assume nothing is private, ever. If you are putting your thoughts on the internet, there is no “invasion of policy.”
2. Remember that your audience is vast, and unknowable. You have no idea who will ever see what you write on the internet. Anyone from your best friend on the team, to your head coach, to your biggest rival, to your teachers can see what you post. Keep in mind that what you say can be seen by the world. Your microphone to the world is right at your fingertips. Be wise.
3. It is against California Interscholastic Federation rules to engage and influence any non-(your name here) student for the purpose of enrolling at (your school here) for athletics, Do not use social media for this purpose. Refer anyone asking about our Athletic teams or department to the Athletic Director of Director of Admissions.
4. Do not discuss injuries, either yours or that of any of your teammates.
5. Never post pictures from the locker room, practice or game without the permission of the Athletic Director or Head Coach.
6. Complaining about your coaches or teammates will NOT solve anything. Talk to them directly to solve problems to make yourself and your team better.
7. Do not talk about your opponents in a negative fashion. Stay away from trash talking your past, present or future opponents.
8. Your tweets and post can be permanent. They are a permanent record. You can’t take back what you put out on the internet for everyone to see.
9. If you retweet something, you agree with it and promote it. Keep this in mind.
10. Play with your pads and your skills, not your mouth and your fingers on the keyboard
Student-athletes who violate the (Your school name here) Athletic Department Social Media Policy may result in disciplinary action – including temporary or permanent suspension from the team – as determined by the Athletic Director and Head Coach.