Coach Fore (far right) has coached for 15 years.
I often get asked “What should I take to the interview?”
The best thing I have developed to take to the interview is my “First 30 Days On The Job” handout. It has received great feedback from interview panels. Out of the all of the head coaches I have interviewed as an Athletic Director since 2007, I have only had one bring something like this, and I hired him.
Obviously, it wasn’t JUST because he had this document, but because of a variety of reasons. But seeing that he had a CLEAR PLAN AND PATH said a TON to me about him as a Head Coach, an organizer, a planner, a doer, etc!
This document is just one of just over 100 documents, forms, templates I have in my OUTSIDE THE LINES COACHING MANUAL. Think about this document alone I’m giving you here, multiply that by 100 and think about ALL the time you will save with this manual! Trust me, it’s worth every penny of the $19! I’ve developed this over the last 8 years as a Head Football Coach! BUY NOW!
Here is what I take to interviews:
by Your Name Here
Tasks for first 30 days as Head Football Coach
- Meet with stakeholders
Administration – one on one
Athletic Director – one on one
Assistant Coaches – one on one (within first week)
Players – each class by grade level; one on one with every player
Faculty and Staff – one group of four-six
Boosters/Alumni – one group of six-eight
- Survey all stakeholders via online survey system (Google forms, Survey Monkey, etc)
- Evaluate and recommend changes to football website
- Launch/re-launch social media for <Mascot> Football
- Budget meeting – Analyze 2018-19 budget; Get briefed on 2019-20 budget
- Develop Spring/Summer 2020 calendar
- Evaluate game schedules for 2020, 2021, 2022; begin work to complete schedules if needed
- Tour and evaluate game and practice facilities; risk management issues
- Meet with Admissions/Financial Aid Departments to learn their process
- Get acquainted with league by-laws, procedures, meeting schedule, officers, etc.
- Evaluate equipment inventory; determine needs list for 2020 season (if not done yet)
Day 30 (or so) – Coaches meeting to cast vision for the future of the <Mascot> Football, and share findings of stakeholder meetings, surveys
Good luck to you in your quest for the your dream job!
Chris Fore has his Masters degree in Athletic Administration, is a Certified Athletic Administrator and serves as an Adjunct Professor in the M.S. Physical Education – Sports Management program at Azusa Pacific University. He serves as the President of the California Coaches Association. Fore also runs Eight Laces Consulting which specializes in helping coaches nationwide in their job search process. Fore has been named to the Hudl Top 100 Coaches, and the Top 5 Best High School Football Coaches to follow on Twitter by MaxPreps. Follow him!