I get asked ALL the time about portfolios. Look, I’m not the portfolio expert. Yes, I can give you my advice on them. But I’d rather turn you over to the best resource for coaching portfolios that I can find. I got to know Bill Vasko years ago, and nobody on the planet has done more on portfolios, or is more of an expert on them than Coach Vasko.
Your first impression is everything when applying for a new coaching job. A professional coaching portfolio is the tool that highlights your coaching achievements and philosophies and, most of all, helps separate you and your abilities from the other applicants.
The key to landing a new coaching job is to demonstrate to the hiring committee your attention to detail, level of preparedness, and your professionalism. Not only does a coaching portfolio allow you to exhibit these qualities, it also allows you to present your personal philosophies on coaching, leadership, and program development in an organized manner.
The Coaching Portfolio Guide is an instructional, membership-based website that helps you develop a personalized portfolio. Each section of the portfolio guide provides detailed instructions on how to organize your portfolio in a professional manner. The guide also provides sample documents for each section of your portfolio that you can copy, modify, and add to your personal portfolio.
The Coaching Portfolio Guide provides the user with the following tools:
Detailed instructions for completing each section of your portfolio.
Sample documents that you can modify and include in your portfolio.
Information that can be used to develop a portfolio for any sport!
Valuable advice and suggestions to help you land the job!
Plus much more! This online guide has over 500 pages of information!
In addition to instructions on how to develop your coaching portfolio, the guide also has valuable information on creating cover letters, resumes, and improving your interviewing skills. We have sample interview questions specifically for coaching job interviews! We also have a section describing how to build your very own online portfolio!