A few years ago during a chapel at Capistrano Valley Christian School where I was working as the Athletic Director/Chaplain/Head Football Coach, we had a theme of studying the Gospel of Mark, and the Life of Jesus Christ. I kicked off the year reading this list of the names of Jesus.
It’s an impressive list of WHO Jesus is and WHAT Jesus does! I thought it was an appropriate post for this day, Easter 2012!
The Son of the Living God
The Firstborn of Every Creature
My Beloved Son
The Mighty God
The True God
My Lord and My God
God My Saviour
The God of the Whole Earth
God Manifest in the Flesh.
Our God and Saviour
Emmanuel, God with Us
The God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob
The Highest
The Lord
The Lord of Glory
The Same
The Almighty, Which Is, and Which Was, and Which is to Come
The Creator of All Things
The Upholder of All Things
The Beginning and the Ending
The First and the Last
The Life
Eternal Life
The Word
The Image of God
The Wisdom of God
The Angel of God
The Man
The Son of Man
The Apostle
A Prophet
A Great Prophet
A Servant
The Servant of the Father
My Righteous Servant
A Servant of Rulers
The Carpenter
A Stranger and an Alien
A Man of Sorrows
A SaviourThe Saviour of the World
Jesus Christ
Jesus the Christ
Jesus Christ our Lord
Jesus Christ the Righteous
Jesus Christ, the Same Yesterday, and Today, and Forever
Jesus of Nazareth
Lord Jesus
Christ, the Lord
The Lord Christ.
the Son of the Blessed
the Saviour of the World
The Lamb of God
A Lamb Without Blemish and Without Spot
The Lamb that Was Slain
The Lamb in the Midst of the Throne
The Way
The Good Shepherd
The Great Shepherd
The Chief Shepherd
The Branch of Righteousness
A Righteous Branch
The Vine
The True Vine
The Tree of Life
The Bread of God
The True Bread from Heaven
The Bread of Life
The Living Bread
The Rose of Sharon
The Lily of the Valleys
The Light
The True Light
A Great Light
A Light Come into the World
The Light of the World
The Light of Men
A Light to Lighten the Gentiles
A Star
The Morning Star
The Bright and Morning Star
The Day Star
The Sun of Righteousness
A Strength to the Poor
A Strength to the Needy in Distress
A Refuge from the Storm
A Covert from the Tempest
A Horn of Salvation
The Rock
My Strong Rock.
The Rock of Ages(marg.)
The Rock That Is Higher Than I
My Rock and My Fortress
The Rock of My Strength
The Rock of My Refuge
The Rock of My Heart (marg.)
The Rock of My Salvation
My Rock and My Redeemer
The Builder
The Foundation
A Sure Foundation
A Stone
A Living Stone,
A Tried Stone
A Chief Cornerstone.
An Elect Stone
A Precious Stone
The Head Stone of the Corner
A Rock of Offence
The Offerer
An Offering
A Sacrifice
A Ransom (His Life)
The Lamb
A Priest.
The High Priest
The Mediator
The Interpreter
The Intercessor
The Advocate
The Gift of God
His Unspeakable Gift
My Beloved, in Whom My Soul Is Well Pleased
The Holy Child Jesus
The Chosen of God
Thy Salvation
The Redeemer
The Blessed
The Most Blessed Forever.
The Truth
The Faithful Witness
A Witness to the People.
The Amen
The Just One
The Holy One of God
Holy, Holy, Holy
The Captain of Salvation
The Author and Finisher of Faith
A Leader
A Commander
A Governor
The Deliverer
The Lion of the Tribe of Judah. The Shield
The Lord
One Lord
Lord of Lords
King of Kings
Lord Both of the Dead and Living
Lord of the Sabbath
Lord of Peace
Lord of All
Lord Over All
The Messiah the Prince
A Prince and a Saviour
The Prince of Peace
The Prince of Princes
The Prince of the Kings of the Earth
A Prince (among Israel)
The Judge
The Righteous Judge
King of Kings
Lord of Lords
The King of Israel
The King of the Jews (born)
The King of Saints, or King of Nations
King Over All the Earth
The King of Righteousness
The King of Peace
The King of Glory
The King in His Beauty