During my first year as a Head Football Coach (back in 2003), I wanted to come up with some sort of visual type of motivator that our kids would see each and every day. Something to put up at the field, in their lockers, etc.
In 2002, our football program won the Big Sky League Championship. I heard talk in the off season from our kids that we would be back to back champs. I wanted to send a message that it wasn’t just that easy.
One night, this idea came to mind: a FOR SALE sign. The Big Sky League Championship is up for sale again! If we WANT IT, we are going to have to go out and EARN IT!
So, I started making FOR SALE signs for the very first day of Training Camp. I put them up all over the place to send home my message.
The local newspaper came out to do their usual season preview interviews and pictures. They loved the motivational tool I was using, and so our picture in the paper that year was with the FOR SALE sign!!