Welcome to my website, and my reflection for CTI!
My name is Chris Fore, and I teach Special Education English at Sultana High School in Hesperia, California. Currently, I’m teaching 10th grade. I have an Education Specialist Mild-Moderate teaching credential for California. I have also earned a Master’s degree in Athletic Administration, and have been an Athletic Director for 6 years.
Why do I teach?
Developing as a Professional Educator
My professional goal is to earn my Administrative Services Credential, I will start this program during the Fall of 2016. This is a goal of mine because I would like to return to an Administrative position. I served as an Administrator at a private school for six years, but have never held a credential. The action I’m taking is to enter the Admin Services Credential program at National University; I’ve already been admitted to this program. I will assess goal attainment by earning the Preliminary Admin Services Credential.
I can remain a connected educator by staying in tune with the best practices, and being proactive in seeking out areas to continue to grow as a professional. I love learn and to get better at the job I do.
I have been in education since 2001 already, and have been working with teenagers since 1995. It’s my life’s calling. I don’t anticipate “burning out” any time soon! Some of the things I do to make this happen: celebrate the little victories with kids each and every day, and leave work at work.
“Chris met all of his professional performance goals this year. He provided lessons that included all of the 4 Cs. Students were given engaging lessons that required them to interact and critically think.” – Larry Bird, Principal
The advice that I have for those entering the teaching profession: it’s a very hard career that demands a lot out of you. Teaching is not for everybody. You will learn very quickly whether it is your calling or not. Power through your first year, then make a decision about your second year. Love your students, or you will hate teaching.
Contributing to the Profession: Grade Level/ Content Specific Resources
I could not be a teacher in 2016 without this great tool, Google Classroom. I put almost all of my assignments up here, and have trained my students to use this website daily. Students who are absent can easily find the assignments. Plus, I’ve cut down the copies I make to almost none using this technology.
Kahoot is a great tool to use to quickly and easily assess your students after teaching through a short lesson, or a long one. My kids have loved the implementation of Kahoot this year.
Discovery Education is another dynamite resource as it provides an assortment of multimedia videos, and lessons that encapsulate many different subjects, and a variety of topics.
Professional Development Verification
Note from Assistant Principal for Verification