My friend Chris Fisher at TXHSFBCHAT.COM wrote this article! It’s funny, I wrote one about coaching in California and he wrote this one. We published them about an hour apart, without knowing the other one was doing so! It’s with his permission that I post this. Good luck!
I get asked a lot about moving to Texas to coach. One thing I have discovered over the course of #TXHSFBCHAT is coaches outside of Texas move around a lot, and many are not afraid to move from one state to another. In Texas, many coaches rarely leave the area or region they coach in to move to the other side of the state!
Texas has a draw to it that attracts all football coaches because of its status as a football powerhouse. Coaches want to be here because it is arguably the best state for high school football in the country. Sure, we have some of the best talent and teams in the country, but there are other reasons to coach in Texas and things you should be aware of before pursuing a position.
The first thing I always tell coaches serious about coming to Texas is to join the Texas High School Coaches Association, or THSCA. THSCA provides the primary job board where 95% of all open football coaching positions are posted throughout the year. THSCA also has a resume folder where a coach can upload their information for head coaches to look through and use to initiate contact. But the job board is not the primary reason I tell them to join. I believe there is good football played all over the nation. There is talent, good teams, good coaching, and good communities from coast to coast that make high school football special. What sets Texas apart is the organization of our coaches, and where THSCA plays a major part. Our coaches association provides opportunities for professional development, awards and honors for our athletes and coaches, and most importantly, they are our representation to the governing state agencies. THSCA fights for coaches and athletics in our public education system. Our association knows the importance of coming together and having a unified voice to defend our athletics and coaches in the education of our students. THSCA is a very important reason Texas High School Football is able to maintain its reputation.
If your goal is to coach in Texas, you must also be prepared to teach. Texas coaches teach subjects in all the core classes: English, Math, Social Studies, and Science. Coaches also teach foreign languages, professional communication, and other business classes. Sure physical education and health are available, but very hard to find. If you want to find a position and have flexibility, you need to be able to teach a core subject. You can find the steps for becoming certified in Texas at the Texas Education Agency website. If you have never taught, you can enter an emergency certificate program that allows you to teach while pursuing your Texas certificate. You can find these at pretty much every university, and there are also private education businesses that you can use as well, such as ACT Houston. Being a teacher in the school is another reason Texas High School Football is great, because the coaches are in the school with the athletes and the students every day. Teaching allows for greater relationships to be built and community to be formed.