I’ve been running the Single Wing/Wing T/Double Wing since 2001. Bruce Cobleigh is one of the guys I always appreciate seeing at the clinics. I stole this from him at a Glazier Clinic a few years ago, and really like it.
What happens a lot when you are running this type of offense is that the defensive backs get very lazy, and start peering in to the back field more and more. I know that they almost stop covering my wideout (who you see as X below) a lot of the time. Or, they will start cheating in, giving us this out pattern very easy.
QB – 3 step drop – throws on third step to the speed out; if he is covered, the QB waggles out to the opposite side and now has three choices. He should work from the post to the 3 yard out, high to low, top to bottom, or whatever your language is. His progression is: W on the post, Y on the 10 yard out, then Z on the 3 yard out.
X – Runs a 5 yard speed out. If the Corner is playing him man, and taking away the out, he will run a slant.