BUILDING CHAMPIONSHIP-CALIBER FOOTBALL PROGRAMS: Inside the Minds and Locker Rooms of State Champion Read more [...]
Year: 2014
This will be a test to see if you really love coaching/playing football! If you don't cry,...
(This is Part 4 of a Series I'm writing about regarding The Importance of Self Confidence in Athletics....
Around this time every year, I get emails, tweets, texts, etc. asking what head coaches should do...
So, they are looking for a new Head Coach, and you’re very excited about the job. Maybe...
I get quite a few emails from coaches seeking advice, and from time to time I post...
Coach Fore, I cannot thank you enough for taking the time to look over and help me...
This is my fourteenth year of coaching high school football. 1 year of freshmen, 1 year of...
Coaches If you're looking for a camp to take your team to, check out Gold Beach Football...
June 16, 2014 Dear Nate, Taylor and Josiah, I am sad today. Mr. Padre died. Why am...
I recently had the chance to chat with a NCAA Division 1 Football Coach who has worked...
One of my 8th grade players, he’s really going to be our stud but he’s about 5’7 145...
I want to preface this letter by saying that I do not know Coach Brooks. I've never...
I did a Social Media survey a few weeks ago, and have been receiving a bunch of...
Thank you to the 222 coaches who took time out of your schedules to answer my Social...
Last week I had three discussions with Head Football Coaches who are each heading in to their...
Parents will ALWAYS have THEIR OWN kids’ best interests in mind. It is just a natural thing. ...
I used to LOVE baseball! More than football if you can imagine that! Hey, it's America's Pastime...
"The Shield punt clinic is a must have for any team using it. The depth of information...
I have surveyed just over 1,000 teenagers for a presentation I do called "Teenagers 101." This idea...
I get at least an email a week, many more than that once we get to the...
I've been running the Single Wing/Wing T/Double Wing since 2001. Bruce Cobleigh is one of the guys...
Self-scouting last year’s offense Self-scouting last year’s defense Self-scouting last year’s Read more [...]
THREE ESSENTIAL ASPECTS OF LEADERSHIP True leaders must have what I call the VIP aspects of...
111 GAMES . . . 10 SEASONS . . . 289 PUNTS . . . 2 BLOCKED...
At the Glazier Clinic here in Los Angeles earlier this month I had the opportunity to listen...
A few years ago I sent my staff up to Concord De La Salle to spend some...
I saw a good clinic session with the OC from Cal Lutheran University (NCAA D3) here in...
My first born child is seven years old. He has played one year of baseball, it was...
This fundraising idea has been around as long as there have been two things: stadiums, and a...