Can you tell me what your program is all about in 30 seconds? Many folks call this your “elevator pitch.” If you were in an elevator with someone, and they asked what your program is about, how would you answer that? Do you have an elevator pitch?
If you are a head coach, you should be able to summarize what your program is ALL about in 30 seconds or less. Have you thought about this? What are your ultimate goals and mission for your program? We can all write long winded mission statements which are looked at one every couple of years when the accrediting people are in town! I think it’s important to have that elevator pitch ready for when you are out and about town.
For me, I wrote down four things I wanted my program to focus on and be recognized for the weekend I took over as a Head Coach for the first time, back in 2003. We were at a football clinic when our head coach said he was leaving, and recommending me for the job. I couldn’t sleep that night! I was very excited to get this opportunity, should the AD and Principal go with his recommendation, which they did.
What I wrote down that night were these for things:
1. I wanted kids to succeed in the classroom because their coaches cared about their success in the classroom.
2. I wanted coaches who weren’t in it for themselves, but for the kids, and for teaching the kids about life skills through football.
3. I wrote down the word “sportsmanship” because I wanted our team to known for their sportsmanship win or lose.
4. I wrote down “success based on work ethic.”
I sat there for an hour, and went over these four ideals. I wrote 4-5 ways to accomplish each of these things, my plan for doing it.
Then, I wanted to sum them up in my elevator pitch. I wrote an acronym for these four things.
A.C.T.S. -” That’s it” I thought!!! My football program will be known for their ACTS. So, since 2003, this has been my elevator pitch, my 30 second summary of what my program is all about!
I encourage you to do the same, develop your elevator pitch. It will help you focus on what is really important in your program.
A chievement in the classroom by each student-athlete.
C oaches who teach not only about football but life.
T heir sportsmanship in both victory and defeat
S uccess based not on talent or ability but a non-negotiable work ethic.