This is a presentation I did for coaches via Zoom on March 26, 2020. Thank you very...
Do you want to write an excellent review to earn good praise at work or school? Here...
Are you looking for sports to eliminate writing blocks? Then you have come to the right place....
Online betting has become a very popular activity in recent years due to the rise of online...
I really love this play! We put it in back in 2004. I want to give credit...
(This is Part 4 of a Series I'm writing about regarding The Importance of Self Confidence in Athletics....
What is known as soccer in the United States, and Football around most of the world, is...
Interviewing for a head coaching position can be a challenge. For one thing, it’s not always easy...
I was so nervous that first day! 1,400 kids I didn’t know. 120 staff and faculty I...
I recently saw a tremendous clinic by Coach Steinberg at the Los Angeles Glazier Clinic. The clinic...
The cryptocurrency market has experienced significant changes over the last few years, with the rise Read more...
High School Student Athlete: -Practices their sport and trains Read more [...]
About FieldLevel FieldLevel is the athletic recruiting network that leverages relationships and references Read more [...]
I really enjoy writing. I really enjoyed coaching for 17 years. I really enjoy helping coaches now!...
Detroit Lions head coach Dan Campbell has admitted concern over his starting running back and tight end...
These are some free resources that I've had in my library for years, and just now scanning...
Are you considering coaching American football in Europe? If so, you will need to know the following...
Ready for the New Season? If there is one league in all of North American sports that...
We may be in the middle of the NBA playoffs, but the anticipation for the NBA Draft...
There is a lot of talk surrounding budgets in education right now. Many districts are going to...
I love being able to eat a protein bar. With my very busy schedule as an administrator,...
“Thanks to Coach Fore and his information on the Shield Punt, we have been able to bring...
Anybody involved in sport will tell you that there’s no one way to coach. Some athletes work...
Professional boxing ended 2021 in fantastic shape, following a thrilling year for the sport. In the heavyweight...
One day I was contacted by a former player of mine. "Coach, can you marry me?" My...
Football has long been a game that has captivated fans primarily in North America, but also around...
There are many opponents to high school football. There are many opponents to youth tackle football. Read...
I am a part of a few different Facebook groups of coaches. This one today came from...
Well, it's not really the whole decade, but it is close! I started this website in the...